Sampson, the Rooster: sponsored by Duane and Ruth Sellon

Sampson, the Rooster: sponsored by Duane and Ruth Sellon

Sampson is an inside row jumper on our carousel, painted in vivid colors that are hard to miss. He is a Rhode Island Red rooster and, as his pose indicates, he is in one heck of a hurry. Sampson doesn’t like the idea of a saddle and won’t wear one….so hang on! The Sellon’s chose this animal both because it is somewhat unique to carousels and because Duane raised chickens as a child. Sampson sports a grey metal band (carved, of course, from Basswood) on his left leg that is imprinted with the family name. Individual names of Josh, Arianna, Conner, Colin, and Carter are inscribed within the purple tail feathers and represent the Sellon grandchildren.

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